Depression Screening Test (teenage)

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Depression Screening Test (teenage)
Snizhana Piatash
14 questions 30 minutes

If you feel depression – don’t be alone. Be with your relatives and friends. Talk with someone you trust about what you feel. Don’t hesitate to look for the answers. Do funny things with your friends and try to be positive.

Teen have difficult emotional background and hormonal changes that influence on the mood. When starts depression they feel that want to die (suicide intentions), sadness without any reason. In this condition they don’t want to do anything. They have no passion to their hobby or other activities. In depression people don’t feel that they have the sense of life, experience despair.

When you have a child with depression symptoms, show he/she your love. Don’t judge, listen more than talk and show a teenager all the joys of life. Maybe you or your friends at this age felt the same. Tell how they cope with this. Engage in the interesting activities and pay more attention him/her.

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